Oven-ready and incredibly easy to serve, Breaded Okra brings the perfect balance of flavor and convenience to any menu. Whether paired with fried chicken, BBQ, or other entrées, they provide a hearty, satisfying side that complements a wide range of dishes. With their crispy texture and golden finish, they’re a crowd-pleaser that adds comfort to any meal. Plus, they meet Smart Snacks guidelines, making them an ideal option for schools and institutions looking for a delicious yet nutritious side dish.
Grain (ounce equivalents): 1
Vegetable (cups): 1/4
Oven-ready and incredibly easy to serve, Breaded Okra brings the perfect balance of flavor and convenience to any menu. Whether paired with fried chicken, BBQ, or other entrées, they provide a hearty, satisfying side that complements a wide range of dishes. With their crispy texture and golden finish, they’re a crowd-pleaser that adds comfort to any meal. Plus, they meet Smart Snacks guidelines, making them an ideal option for schools and institutions looking for a delicious yet nutritious side dish.
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